Reading Recommendations # 53

The 53rd edition of my reading recommendations contains 7 interesting blog posts with various topics that might be of interest for you. This time there are post with the topics “Real Life Leadership”, “8 Tips for Successful Independent Consulting”, “Rhythm of Testing”, “What makes them Leaders I want to work with”, “Finding the best bug reporting tool”, “Is your testing well spread” and “Android Smartphone Test Farm”.

Enjoy reading the posts and send me new ones that are worth reading and I will mention you and link to your social links or blog.

Real Life LeadershipReal Life Leadership – 6 Ideas That Really Work – Leadership Speaker David Dye

8 Pro Tips for Successful Independent Consulting 8 Pro Tips for Successful Independent Consulting | Knightlife
On Testing and Quality EngineeringRhythm of Testing: On Testing and Quality Engineering
What makes them leaders I want to work withWhat makes them leaders I want to work with
Finding the best bug reporting toolFinding the best bug reporting tool
Is your testing well spread?Is your testing well spread? | Knowledge Tester Testing is in some ways similar to medical examination. Apparently things look okay but a first pass tells something may be wrong under the scene and a thorough investigation is suggested. Those detailed tests then reveal if the “system under test” or “body under examination” is fit or not for the intended purpose. That’s why…
Android Smartphone Test FarmAndroid Smartphone Test Farm

Thanks for reading, re-tweeting and sharing my reading recommendations every week!
