Mobile App Europe Summary and Slides

I am just back in Hamburg from the Mobile App Europe Conference and I am still excited about it. I had 2 great days in Potsdam meeting several mobile experts from all over the world to exchange on the latest mobile topics. I had the chance to talk to Dan Cuellar, the creator of Appium which was really great. I talked to people from, Groupon and other cool companies out there.

Another great thing was that I met Stephen Janaway and Richard Bradshaw again. We had some nice talks and at the end of the first day we were recording another episode of Testing in the Pub together with Denys Zelenchuck, Sergej Mudruk and André Gorzel.

Adventures in QA - Recording Testing in the Pub

The session was very nice! We were talking about mobile testing in general, how to release an app, how to use tools in order to support testing and more. Stay tuned for the release of the podcast.

During the first day I attended the following talks:

The second day started with a great keynote from Danny Preussler from Groupon about Keynote: Design, Build, Upload and what now? Maintaining an app. After the keynote it was my time.

I gave the talk ‘Hands-On Mobile App Testing’ and was talking about numbers and facts of the mobile word. I talked about the F-Word and how to handle this situation. I gave the audience an example about mobile testing in the wild as well as information about update testing, stress testing and other mobile testing techniques. Furthermore, I described my mobile test pyramid and I was talking about beta testing and how to establish this within the company or with real users.

My Slidedeck:

I really enjoyed my talk and the questions afterwards. During my session Richard Bradshaw and Thomas Mantsch were drawing awesome sketch notes.

Richards sketch note:

Adventures in QA - Sketchnote by Richard Bradshaw

Thomas sketch note:

Adventures in QA - Sketchnote Thomas Mantsch

Beside that I was attending another talk about Take your App testing from Mobile to Wearable and Pairwise Testing – A driver for Specification, Automation and Exploration which I really enjoyed.

To sum it up, I really enjoyed this conference! Thanks to the whole organizer team to get this conference on track.
